Institutional Services
The Week of Italian Cuisine in the World (SCIM)
Casa Artusi is part of the working group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Cooperation of the Italian Government for the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World (SCIM). This includes a range of events held in November and develops agri-food topics regarding the national economy: quality, sustainability, culture, food safety, the right to food, education, identity, territory, biodiversity
In association with the diplomatic network and the Italian Chambers of Commerce around the world, Casa Artusi organises and coordinates face-to-face events abroad such as tastings, online events, conferences, conventions, masterclasses, virtual cooking demonstrations, digital exhibitions, web-shows, information about and video content of Artusi’s recipes, cookery workshops and demonstrations of fresh pasta or Romagnola piadina making in association with the Mariette Association.
Emilia-Romagna regional offices
Casa Artusi is at the service of the Emilia-Romagna regional offices. Indeed, it holds a Memorandum of Intent with the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Hunting and Fishing for developing specially created services at trade fairs both in Italy and abroad to promote regional products of excellence.